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Thank you for your loyalty and support!
At High Performance Real Estate Advisors, we strive to serve our friends, family, past and current clients at the highest level. As a result of our hard work, we are blessed with the opportunity to serve those that matter most to you. We don't take referrals lightly as they are the life line in our business.

We appreciate you taking a few minutes of your time to accurately fill out the information below so that we can best serve the person you are referring to our team.
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Let's start with your full name.
What is your relationship to us? *
What is the best email for us to reach you at?
What is your cell phone number? *
What is your home address? (So that we can send you a special treat)
What is the full name of the person(s) you are referring to our team?
What is their email address?
What is their cell phone? *
What is their home address?
How can we best serve them? Are they looking to buy, sell or invest in real estate...or are they looking for a fast paced career in real estate?
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Where are they looking to buy/sell/invest?
Is there anything special about their situation that we should know? / Let us know if you have a specific Sales team member you want to work with.
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